Joining Efforts for RRI – JERRI – made a substantial contribution to deeply institutionalizing practices and attitudes of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in the European Research Area. For this purpose JERRI was orchestrating a deep RRI transition process within the two largest European Research and Technology Organizations (RTOs), the German Fraunhofer Gesellschaft and the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research. The process was conceptualized as an intense mutual learning process between the two organizations, a wider circle of RTOs, and stakeholders across Europe. Thus, JERRI exploited the unique mediating function of RTOs to catalyze RRI transition processes in industry, society and policy across the European research and innovation landscape.
On the following websites, we condensed and tailored the main results of JERRI for specific target groups. All three briefs present both the products generated by JERRI and lessons learned from the process but with different emphasis depending on the target group’s main interest. The content of these user briefs was generated by the whole JERRI team including dimension leaders at TNO and Fraunhofer with support from the JERRI advisory board in a number of workshops and project meetings.
The following pages provide more information on concrete RRI related goals and pilot projects, which Fraunhofer and TNO developed and implemented within the JERRI project.
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The project runs fromJune 2016 until May 2019 under the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 / Science with and for Society programme (SwafS).
In JERRI, Fraunhofer and TNO embarked on a joint learning process on building capacity for responsible research and innovation i.e. for creating impact together with society that is both socially desirable, sustainable and ethically acceptable.
Dr. Philine Warnke
Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI
Breslauer Strasse 48
76139 Karlsruhe
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 709747.