Key lessons from the JERRI midterm review: Unravelling the Triple Helix?
JERRI successfully went through the midterm review with a number of inspiring take aways
In November 2017, JERRI successfully passed the midterm review with a number of inspiring recommendations for the second phase emerging:
- JERRI provides a unique and much needed linking of the rri discourse, institutionalist literature and the practices of organisational change. Both TNO and Fraunhofer are planning to use the theoretical framework even stronger to orient their change process.
- The five key RRI dimensions brought forward by the EU Commission and followed by JERRI provide an excellent inroad to organisational change. It is however key to keep a firm view on a system change and the political dimension of rri transition processes.
- RTOs like TNO and Fraunhofer mediate between academia, policy and business and thus sit in the center of the triple helix. When such organisations seek to redefine their relationship with society by including more societal actors into the equation the quadruple helix seems to be on the horizon.
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 709747.